In regards to NATO by the way, that entity should have been deactivated once the Soviet Union became defunct and non-existent as a collective force.
However,when one puts him or herself in the place of Russia, the only logical conclusion is that it was only a matter of time before Russia would react; no matter how repulsive and dis-proportionate the invasion may appear to the US and the international community as a whole; for which little Georgia foolishly provided to Russia at its own detriment. Thus, Russia was probably waiting for the right moment in time and opportune place, to send a resounding warning. No doubt the US' strategic in-your-face plan to locate missiles in Russia's own front and back yards is an arrogance and blunder that only the macho Bush administration could make. Surely President Bush and his foreign policy advisors, coupled with wise counsel from historians, should have known that Russia would not sit idly by forever and allow its security-whether real or perceived-be threaten without a response. Just as the US rightfully protected its back door during the Cuban Crisis, it is only logical to surmise Russia would eventually do so as well.
As such, the on-going war with Georgia over the former Russian held territory of South Ossetia is about much more than just that issue. Russia is ending a clear message to the US, the West, NATO and neighboring countries: "Back off! You have pushed us too far. If you don't cease and desist, then there is more to come as you see with Georgia." Could this be the beginning of a new Cold War era?
Anyone that understands the psychology of bears (scared and desperate people as well) knows that the last thing you ever want to do with a bear is to pin his or her back against the wall, or make them feel cornered. You see, that is when the bear becomes even more dangerous and ferocious. This is-unquestionably- the mindset Russia is experiencing today. You decide!