Something To Say-World

Something to Say-World blog is a forum where I can vent and share my strong viewpoints with the world, and get feedback from others, whether they are pro or con, for or against my positions. The main thing is that we engage in a thought provoking discussion with hopes of seeing the world in a more clearer and different light than we did before initiating our intellectual dialogues. __________ MOTTO:Committed To Relentless Pursuit Of Hidden Truths -Globally-

Sunday, June 15, 2008


President Bush's call for US forces to “get Bin Laden before leaving office" next January , 2009 rings hollow. No doubt the capture of Bin Laden will be an enormous feat of noteworthy success. But Bin Laden’s capture or demise will be nothing more than a grand publicity ploy consisting of a two to three minutes of news sound bites, preceded with a summary of past events and his biography. The Bin Laden today is primarily a symbolic figure that releases occasional audios and videos containing lengthy declarative dictums or messages. His real power lies in the fact that he has published a manifesto that will -undoubtedly-live in infamy for present and future terrorists to use to further the movement through out the world.. So Bin Laden the man, himself is actually irrelevant since Al-Qaeda is not a centralized entity, but one that comprises many different factions and alliances with other non-Al-Qaeda terrorists groups that apply his philosophy to plan and carry out their carefully orchestrated acts of mayhem
And so it is not a reach to state, but not minimize the significance of Bin Laden’s capture, incarceration or even death, that the President is attempting to salvage whatever is left of his seriously damaged reputation as commander-and-chief, with hope of mitigating any further damage to his legacy as president.
Supposedly, Bin Laden has issued his own orders to his body guards to kill him in the event he comes close to being captured. I would venture to say that is exactly what will happen because Bin Laden prefers and sees himself more valuable as a dead martyr than as a live prisoner or incarcerated hero. You decide!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The New Tito Nieves-A Dancing Boots' Tribute!

The New Tito Nieves-A Dancing Boots' Tribute!
Video sent by carlosmiddletonsr

TRIBUTE: Dancing BOOTS and salute Tito Nieves for his triumph over diabetes and significant loss of weight. Thus, a transformation from the old to the new as Dancing Boots, featuring Carlos Middleton,Sr., pays tribute in this dynamic and intensified video while dancing to Titos’s beautiful and rhythmic song Fabricando Fantacias! Read the rest of the story at link below.A production of