Something To Say-World

Something to Say-World blog is a forum where I can vent and share my strong viewpoints with the world, and get feedback from others, whether they are pro or con, for or against my positions. The main thing is that we engage in a thought provoking discussion with hopes of seeing the world in a more clearer and different light than we did before initiating our intellectual dialogues. __________ MOTTO:Committed To Relentless Pursuit Of Hidden Truths -Globally-

Friday, January 04, 2008


------------Today’s Commentary-------------

Barack Obama shook Hillary Clinton’s world, perhaps, not like ever before(?). But as it should have been. Her decisive defeat last night has probably sent all kinds of shock waves through the Hillary Camp, with prevailing apprehension about whether she has the right message and where did they-the Clinton Political Machine- go wrong. Forgetting-of course-that it is not the message in this case, but the messenger; plainly and irrefutably. Iowans like so many US Americans are simply fed up with the status quo, and especially Bill and Hillary. No one, not this blogger in particular, wants a return to the “good old days of yesteryear;” and definitely not with Hillary and Bill-in that order.

Sure, I know the Iowa caucusing results doesn’t determine who will be the last one standing for each political party’s national convention. But Iowans do send a reverberating message to the rest of the country that they have taken a close look, almost a year in total, and have a pretty solid feel for which candidate is best for each respective political party and the country as a whole. And maybe-just maybe-for the entire world as well. Substantive change, not rhetoric and the same old partisan in fighting that stifles progress. Will New Hampshire take note and follow Iowa’s lead? Let’s hope so.

If Obama should go all the way to represent the Democratic Party in November’s election , and subsequently is elected president, there will be a major earth quake felt all around the world. No, I wasn’t there in Iowa nor on the sweet soil of the good old US of A last evening, but I felt the tremor all the way over here in Europe. You decide!
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